A student's list of combinations she's still working on |
Breaking apart a number using arrays as a visual |
Breaking apart a number using arrays as a visual | | |
What we did this week was go through our basic facts and determine which ones we
know quickly, and the ones with which we still need some practice. We made a list of
those we're still working on, and came up with ways to "get" to that answer. For
example, if 12 x 9 is still a struggle, we could think of it as (12 x 6) + (12 x 3).
We made the arrays to go with the problem, which made visualizing the strategy a
little easier.
If a student can visualize breaking apart a number for basic multiplication, it's going to make his life much easier when we get to 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication. It's
so important for the kids to understand the place value involved in larger multiplication, and learn to make their numbers work for them. Flexibility with numbers is a HUGE concept to grasp, and it has arguably the greatest impact on the success of a mathematician!!!!!!
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